151-2017-00L  Nuclear Fuels and Materials

SemesterSpring Semester 2018
LecturersM. A. Pouchon, P. J.‑P. Spätig
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractMaterials for nuclear power plants and fuel are discussed. The course is a basic introduction into this topic and it is mainly concerned with light water reactors. Structural materials for pressure boundaries (reactor pressure vessel, pipings) and reactor internals are introduced. Fuel and fuel claddings are also discussed. Main emphasize is on damage and degradation mechanisms during service.
Learning objectiveThe students
know the most important structural materials in nuclear reactors
know fuel and its behaviour in a reactor
know important ageing and degradation mechanisms in nuclear power plants
Content• Brief review of materials science basics
• LWRs and their structural materials, damage mechanisms
• Cladding materials, corrosion, failure modes
• Pressure-boundary components, ageing, degradation
• Structural integrity, surveillance, lifetime management
• Structural materials for future advanced NPPs
• General description of nuclear fuels, introduction to radiation damage
• Fuel thermal performance
• Fuel thermo-mechanical behaviour
• Production, evolution of fission products
• Fission gas release mechanisms
• Fuel related safety limits
• Advanced fuels for future NPPs
LiteratureDistributed documents, recommended book chapters
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisite for: Advanced Topics in Nuclear Reactor Materials (2nd