701-0962-02L  Energy Technology and Environment

SemesterSpring Semester 2019
LecturersT. Nussbaumer
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractThe lecture gives an introduction to the role of energy for climate and air pollution. Based on thermodynamic fundamentals of energy conversion processes, technologies for heat and power production, a special focus on energy savings in buildings, solar energy, bioenergy, as well as improvements by new technologies and measures for pollutant reduction are presented.
Learning objectiveAim of the lecture is a basic knowledge of the main energy conversion processes, the thermodynamic limits of nowadays and future technologies, the environmental impacts resulting from energy technologies, and measures for efficiency improvements and pollutant reduction as well as implementation of renewable energies.
Content- Thermodynamics for energy conversion processes.
- Primary resources and energy demand.
- Life cycle assessment of energy chains.
- Energy savings in buildings.
- Technologies for heat and power production from fossil fuels and from renewable energy sources.
- Principles and applications of conversion technologies, i.e., combustion engines, gas turbine, steam cycles, combined heat and power production, heat pump, fuel cells.
- Fundamentals of combustion processes, pollutant formation and reduction.
- Application of renewable energies with focus on solar energy and bioenergy.
Lecture notesScript (400 p.) is available as pdf.
Exercices are distributed weekly and discussed in the following week. A solution is distributed in the lecture.
Literature- Diekmann, B.; Heinloth, K.: Energie, 2. Auflage, Teubner-Verlag Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3519130572
- Quaschning 2008, Volker: Regenerative Energiesysteme, 5. Auflage, Hanser, München 2007
- Kugeler, K; Phlippen, P.: Energietechnik, Springer1990 und Springer 1992 (2. Auflage)